Connecting To An FTP Server Using Filezilla

To Connect to an FTP Server Using Filezilla, follow the steps below.

To download Filezilla for Windows, click here.

To download Filezilla for MAC, click here.

1.) Open Filezilla and navigate to the top of the panel and click on the icon that opens the site manager.

step one


2.) Press New Site to add your SOTD web space to Filezilla.
Give your site a name
Enter as the host
Change the encryption to Only use plain FTP (insecure).
Change Logon Type: to Normal.
Enter your user name. **Note: Your username must be entered in its entirety, including the text.
Enter your password.
Click connect

step one


3.) Once you have successfully connected to your web space, you will see a status update under your login information that says "Directory listing successful." Once you have successfully connected, you will see your "Local site", or computer hard drive, to the left. In the right column, you will see your "Remote site", or live web space. Below each section is a list of files found in those locations. If you have never added content to your web space before, the area under "Remote site" will be empty.

step one


4.) To transfer files from your Local site to your Remote site, click and drag the file from its location in the Local panel to the desired location in the Remote panel. In the "Queued files" panel below your Local files column, you will see a brief summary of the file being transferred. If your file fails to transfer, it will be listed under "Failed transfers." If your file was successfully transferred, it will be listed under "Successful transfers."

step three


5.) To check your transfer or to send a link to the file, open your web browser and type in the EXACT web address of your file to be seen. Remember, the web address for your web space is For example, if your username is rassymoose and you put a file called "helloworld.txt" in the main area of your Remote site, the exact web address would be