Responsive Web Design

Multimedia on the Web

Adding multimedia to my website was really not that difficult. I found that responsive design can support various types of multimedia such as video animations, GIFs, and even audio components. It all depends on the file it is using, and many utilize MP4 file format. According to C. Escribano, one of the challenges with multimedia these days is the fact that people are on the move more and more, and the need to use responsive design within multimedia is in demand. It has to accommodate the many different sized devices that are out there. It is also important to design with a mobile-first mentality, a people are on the move.

Some limitations to responsive design when it comes to multimedia may include various things to think of. One large limitation would be file size, which is why may designers choose to utilize embedding a file from a source like YouTube or Vemo. This way, you are not directly linking a file from your folders to the server. According to an article by WP101, some files could take up a lot of bandwidth and could cause data overload issues, along with causing slow loading or freezing. There is a big difference between linking a file that is hosted on your server and linking one from a third party, like YouTube or Vemo.

I really didn’t come into too many issues when uploading the videos from a YouTube link. The hardest hard for me was creating the div tags and then creating the CSS within the style sheet. I went on google and looked at various codes that were already out there. The one from the class was a bit hard on the eyes to follow, but seemed to be the best one. Once I utilized this one, everything came together on the site. The only issue I ran into was with HTML validation, as YouTube includes an obsolute code of frameborder. Once I removed it, I didn't have anyissues.

I did not come into any limitations either, as I decided to go with simple YouTube videos that were Creative Commons access. I also found that I did not have many alterations that were needed to accommodate the multimedia, other than those that were needed to make them responsive. It was a great learning experience.